Immigration Control

Hello and welcome. The purpose of "Immigration Control" is to offer an opportunity for lively discussion on the subject of immigration. Various areas on the subject will be posted and you will be able to reply, pro or con. Please, no foul language or flaming other posters. If you have an article you've written or found elsewhere you want posted please email it to: Immigration Control is a production of Moe Lauzier's Issues of the Day.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Guest editorial on immigration......

We received the following from Tony D'Andrea. He originally posted it on his own web site . You can comment by clicking on the comment line just beneath the article.......Moe

Immigration: The Threat and the Current State of War

If we were a perfect society, our borders could remain open. We could accept any number of people that wished to enter the US from other countries and absorb them to become good tax-paying citizens and do their part to keep this country strong.
We have Immigration laws because we have always been less than perfect. No one can absorb an unlimited flow of immigrants, and we need to control the process by which people enter the country and the conditions under which they remain.
We are a country based on immigrants. Anyone who is not of Native American blood IS an immigrant--or a descendant of one--or a descendant of a slave. My own family is of Italian descent and immigrated here from Italy in the early 1900's. They quickly learned the English language, adopted the culture and laws of this country, set up businesses and taught their children to be good Americans while retaining their ethnic roots.
At that time, ethnic and racial bigotry was rampant. We were barely 40 years past the Emancipation Proclamation, and there were few laws on the books to protect any minorities.
Who has not heard of stories of their own ethnic groups being subjected to harassment? Irish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, not to mention Chinese and Japanese, all these peoples found themselves in their own self-styled Ghettos in our major cities, isolated, mistrusted and misunderstood. How many people are aware, for example, that the Mafia, an old organization which had its origin in Sicily, began not as a criminal gang, but as a community protection group? And who has ever heard of the "Guoppo", the Mafia's rival?
Yet, we pulled thru. We pulled thru without affirmative action, without bilingual education, without most of the "protections" we take for granted today. We did it with the courage that has always been the trademark of America--the courage to explore new ways, to grow, to meet challenges head-on and win. We learned the language, adapted to the culture, fought our way thru the prejudices that held us back and came out as strong as anyone already here.
One of the biggest reasons why we won that struggle was respect. We respected ourselves, we respected the country that was our host, and we earned the respect of that country in return.
Today, the situation is drastically different. There is no longer the vast expanse of unoccupied land that we had a hundred and fifty years ago. There is no longer room in our cities to accommodate immigrants in the vast numbers that cross our borders every day, legally and illegally. There are no longer jobs in the quantities necessary to provide substantive employment for them all. There is no longer money available for the government programs to feed, clothe and shelter the masses that seek to come. With the coming of the extraordinary flood of immigration, housing prices have skyrocketed in the cities, blue-collar wages have become depressed in most industries, and while the economy has gotten a boost, much of that boost has come at the cost of wage levels and our standard of living. And every dollar sent abroad by these people to help support families adds to our trade deficit and weakens the dollar at home.

If you had a family and a secure home, your first priority would be to protect that home and family. Our traditional values tell us that if a neighbor knocked on your door, with his child, saying that they were hungry, you would have an obligation to share with them, offering food and other aid to whatever reasonable extent you could. But if a hundred, or a thousand, such families walked onto your property, a tenth of then breaking down your door, the rest coming in thru windows, ransacked your home, took your food, stole money and valuables, threatened the safety of your family, would it be the same? In all likelihood, such an invasion would shatter your family, threaten your job security and place you in a situation that would require years to rebuild. And the day after, you would no longer be in any position to offer aid to those with genuine need.
But the matter is more complex. With the advent of civil rights and affirmative action, the migrant of color has far reaching advantages over the European. You could be an illegal immigrant, with phoney ID's, perhaps a criminal record in your country of origin, a carrier of AIDS or other diseases, perhaps an addiction to drugs or alcohol, but if you are from Latin America, the Caribbean or Africa, you'd still be eligible for many benefits in education, housing and employment that are denied to your European brothers. This accelerates an already troublesome pattern, further reducing European immigration while the incoming flow of blacks and Hispanics breaks new records every year.
Why is that troublesome? In and of itself, it is troubling enough. But it doesn't stop there.
Look at the statistics on crime, on street gangs, on the drug trade, on divorce, on rape, on murder. Even in the heyday of the Mafia in Chicago and New York, my Italian forefathers could never hold a candle to those numbers.
Without the proper acclimation to the culture, the existing culture weakens. See this in action when you try to find someone to help you in a store, a medical facility, a government agency, and try to find someone who speaks GOOD English. Go into any college admissions or financial aid office and see what you're up against if you wish to apply for Government aid for tuition--then check out how many of the newest Doctors, Engineers and Lawyers have English as their primary language. Walk into the best colleges and universities, look at the student body and you will see the same thing.
And no one has to say a word about the precipitous drop in the quality of education in our public schools. Even a European American, born and raised here, now often graduates high school as a functional illiterate.
* * *Personal experience: I brought my own wife to a hospital once for unexplained and increasing chest pain. The doctor, one of Caribbean origin, checked her out briefly and prescribed ZINC supplements. He did not order a chest X-ray. Several days later, she was admitted (because I demanded an X-ray on a visit to a different hospital) with double pneumonia. On another occasion, she was mis-diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia, prescribed antibiotics, and I was forced to bring her in again 24 hours later to a different hospital with a gall bladder that was about to rupture.
Communication is critical in some areas of business. When you deal with the public, as a sales clerk, law-enforcement officer or as a doctor, for instance, knowledge of English is of critical importance and lives can sometimes hang in the balance. So, if I go into a hospital with a critical condition and demand a doctor that spoke English, am I being unreasonable?Then again, how much longer will I be able to FIND a doctor that speaks English?
Most hospitals provide interpreter services for those who do not speak English for these very reasons. Patients must be able to describe their symptoms, communicate well during treatment and follow their discharge instructions. Yet, where is the protection for those who speak English and are assigned a Doctor whose English skills began when they arrived at their University?* *

Every year, the percentage of people in this country that don't speak English--and have no intentions of changing that--increases. A few years ago, one town in the deep south passed a referendum to make Spanish the official language for their town. Fortunately, the law was overturned by the supreme court.
With the percentages rising, no lawmaker will put themselves on the line to make laws restricting immigration, or to increase the security of our borders. We could seal the borders tomorrow using the military, but the population already here that has immigrated and gotten their citizenship and their rights to vote would knock anyone out of office who tried it.
So the flood will continue. And with the continuation of that flood, the quality of life here, the standard of living here, will continue to deteriorate. Eventually, our economy will be affected to the extent that we will no longer be able to feed the many countries from which those immigrants have come. But long before that happens, we are more likely to be overtaken in power--by the European Union if we're lucky--or by either a united Muslim front or the mainland Chinese if we are not.
The threat is real. A state of war exists in this country, a war in which the enemy walks in unopposed, receives the protection of our own government and dominates the country by sheer numbers. A similar war is being waged on Israel now by the Palestinians, and Israel is fighting for its life to maintain a numerical advantage in their own country.
Racism? Look at a good example--South Africa. There has been a constant flood of propaganda against the white minority in that country since long before Nelson Mandella's Soviet-sponsored African National Congress took over the country. Much of it was true--Apartheid was ugly and bigoted. But the entire story never got to the mainstream press. What was left out was that South Africa, in spite of its many problems, had an immigration problem. Droves of people were coming IN to that country from all its neighbors, because all the neighboring countries, run by black dictators, were far worse for their citizens than anything Apartheid could throw at them.
Today, Italy has a problem with excessive immigration of refugees from Albania. Australia has a problem with people coming in from Indonesia. Germany is coping with immigration from Bosnia. For the extreme example, this time one executed by design with genocidal implications, look at Tibet--taken over militarily by the Chinese, it has been flooded by Chinese nationals who threaten to wipe out Tibetan blood and culture forever.
Were it my own Italian people who were causing this problem, nothing would change. If Italians immigrated here today legally and illegally, refused in great part to learn and use the English language, were willing to work in numbers for wages that undercut union scale, flooded the cities pushing up the cost of rental housing, sent large amounts of cash back to Italy to support their families there, brought in half a dozen family members for every one that immigrated here legally, then looked down their noses with collective disdain at anyone not speaking their own Italian language, the situation would be identical. The only difference would be the affirmative action protections that favor people of color.
Look at the demographics. Every year, Europeans are becoming a smaller and smaller majority in this country. And with the numbers comes an increasing denial of benefits to anyone who is part of that majority. European-Americans are working under a handicap now, one caused by their own guilt for what they did to Africans under the slavery era here, and this in spite of the fact that during that same period, Southern Europeans were simultaneously being enslaved by the North Africans--and none of us has ever asked for "Reparations" from Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Egypt or Sudan.
The only solution is one that will be hard for us to swallow as a country, because it goes against the grain of all we have been taught. We have to seal our borders and stop the flood in its tracks.
We have to document the aliens that are already here, deport those who will not acclimate to
our culture, laws and economic structure, and severely restrict the numbers of those who come in in the future.

Should we fail to do that immediately, we will continue to be overrun and will fall as a nation in twenty years or less.If that happens, we will all be speaking Spanish--for about a year or two.
And then, Chinese.
Tony D'Andrea
Copyright © 1999

It is not possible to have "Homeland Security" unless our borders are secured.
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