Immigration Control

Hello and welcome. The purpose of "Immigration Control" is to offer an opportunity for lively discussion on the subject of immigration. Various areas on the subject will be posted and you will be able to reply, pro or con. Please, no foul language or flaming other posters. If you have an article you've written or found elsewhere you want posted please email it to: Immigration Control is a production of Moe Lauzier's Issues of the Day.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Cheney says "build it and they won't come".

It works for Israel

Reprinted from

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dick Cheney: Border Wall Important

A physical security barrier in urban areas along the U.S.-Mexican border is an important part of the Bush administration's new border enforcement initiative, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Tuesday.

Asked if the administration had ever considered building "an actual wall" along the border, Cheney told leading conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh: "When you get into built-up urban areas fences - 'security barriers' might be a better word for it - are in fact an important part of the overall plan and need to be part of it."

The vice president said that other areas, "where you've got vast spaces out there," would require "other kinds of arrangements." He cited plans to construct new patrol roads, remote cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Though it received next to no attention, President Bush himself endorsed the construction of a partial border wall in his immigration reform speech Monday night.
"We will construct high-tech fences in urban corridors and build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas," he told the nation.

Bush also noted that the National Guard will "assist the Border Patrol by . . . . installing fences and vehicle barriers, building patrol roads."

Taken together, Bush and Cheney's comments would seem to align the administration with HR 4437, the immigration reform bill passed by the House in December which calls for the construction of a partial, 700-mile border wall in populated areas.

A Time magazine poll taken in April showed Americans overwhelming support the construction of a physical barrier along the entire 2,000 mile border, with 56 percent in favor and just 40 percent opposed

Amen, Dick.


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