Hello and welcome. The purpose of "Immigration Control" is to offer an opportunity for lively discussion on the subject of immigration. Various areas on the subject will be posted and you will be able to reply, pro or con. Please, no foul language or flaming other posters.
If you have an article you've written or found elsewhere you want posted please email it to:
mvl270@yahoo.com Immigration Control is a production of Moe Lauzier's Issues of the Day.

As President Bush puts the final touches on his illegal immigration speech set for prime time tonight, there are others active on that front:
USA Today has a story about citizens of San Bernadino, California who are pushing their local council to take serious action against those who employ or rent to illegals in their community.
Check this out:
Something which puts fear into the hearts of immigration agitators is the possibility of making illegal entry into the USA a felony. They also adamantly oppose a physical barrier along the Mexican border. Also on their list of no-no's is strict enforcement of our current laws, making English the official language of our government, abolition of welfare for ALL immigrants, legal and otherwise, identification requirement for voting in federal elections (congress and president) and a few more to numerous to mention in this limited space.
We should take our queue from them and go for those items they complain most loudly about.
An article in theis morning's Washington Times has the following analysis of the immigration bill being discussed in congress: "The immigration reform bill that the Senate takes up today would more than double the flow of legal immigration into the United States each year and dramatically lower the skill level of those immigrants."
Hard as it may be to believe, the Boston Police Department is cracking down on the illegal alien pick up points for day work in the Boston area. They are focusing on Home Depots. We have had many calls on Saturday mornings informing the world of the problem. There are other locations as well, but this is a start.
The next time you hear the comment that illegals only do work Americans won't, drive them nuts. Here's how:
Ask them what jobs? Don't let them weasel around, specifically what jobs? Lettuce picking? Roofing? Mowing grass? Janitorial work?
When they go through all their gyrations and finally get specific ask what would happen if there were no illegal aliens? Would the work disappear? Would decent wages be paid for the work performed? Something would happen. What?
Make certain they answer. The answers are so painfully obvious. The free market system will determine whether and if such work is performed.
Let's use landscaping as an example. If the prices go up, what will happen? Maybe some folks who currently hire companies who pay slave wages will be re-introduced to their lawnmowers and a little exercise. Some will get rid of their grass and replace it with astro turf or clover. Some may agree to higher costs. The point is something will occur.
The bottom line is business want more immigrants to work for less. Liberal politicians want immigrants because they can promise them paradise and get their votes. There are a few winners and lots of losers.
Among the winners are those who hire illegals.
The losers are the inner city poor. Their rents go up because illegals live a dozen to an apartment and are willing to pay more to get one thus increasing the cost of rent in the area. The inner city poorly educated new school drop outs cannot get jobs. Crime is rampant in those areas. Sound familiar?
We will do a complete analysis of the president speech tomorrow. Most of what is being leaked out by the White House doesn't sound as though the president "gets it" yet.
The problem is not difficult to figure out or repair. However, we must first have a will to fix it.