Immigration Control

Hello and welcome. The purpose of "Immigration Control" is to offer an opportunity for lively discussion on the subject of immigration. Various areas on the subject will be posted and you will be able to reply, pro or con. Please, no foul language or flaming other posters. If you have an article you've written or found elsewhere you want posted please email it to: Immigration Control is a production of Moe Lauzier's Issues of the Day.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Your turn to act on illegal immigration.........

Out thanks to for the portrait of our Massachusetts solons.

Tell them, "No Amnesty"

Every Saturday morning on WRKO we hear from listeners who want to do something about illegal aliens. Here's a start for you.

Here's two things you can do right now to tell the Senate, "No Amnesty" before this week's vote. I got this in a mass email by Grassfire.


The Senate will be voting this week on its outrageous Amnesty bill and Ron De Jong and I are going to be in our nation's capital on Wednesday delivering your petitions.

The Senate's Amnesty plan is worse than we even thought possible (see below) and we want to flood the Senate with hundreds of thousands of petitions, faxes andphone calls that say "No" to amnesty.

Two ways you can help stop Amnesty right now:

  1. We've seen a flood of petitions in the past 6 days, but we're still short of our 500,000 goal. Every petition received by Wednesday will count toward our goal:
  2. CALL and FAX your Senators and 18 key Senators that Grassfire has identified in this debate. Republicans who, based on our research, are either supporting or leaning toward Amensty. These Republicans hold the key votes in this debate since we expect most Democrats to vote along party lines in support of Amnesty. Without Republican support for Amnesty, there is no amnesty bill. To use our FaxFire system to fax your "no amnesty" messageto your two senators and key Amnesty senators, go here:

Here are the phone numbers for your two Massachusetts Senators and the Republicans supporting or leaning toward amnesty:

Your two Massachusetts Senators:

  1. Sen. Kennedy 202/224-4543
  2. Sen. Kerry (202) 224-2742

Pro-Amnesty or undecided Republicans:

  • Robert Bennett (R-UT): (202) 224-5444
  • Sam Brownback (R-KS): (202) 224-6521
  • Lincoln Chafee (R-RI): (202) 224-2921
  • Norm Coleman (R-MN): (202) 224-564
  • Susan Collins (R-ME): (202) 224-2523
  • Larry Craig (R-ID): (202) 224-2752
  • Mike DeWine (R-OH): (202) 224-2315
  • Lindsay Graham (R-SC): (202) 224-5972
  • Chuck Hagel (R-NE): (202) 224-4224
  • Richard Lugar (R-IN): (202) 224-4814
  • Mel Martinez (R-FL): (202) 224-3041
  • John McCain (R-AZ): (202) 224-2235
  • Richard Shelby (R-AL): (202) 224-5744
  • Olympia Snowe (R-ME): 202) 224-5344
  • Arlen Specter (R-PA): (202) 224-4254T
  • ed Stevens (R-AK): (202) 224-3004
  • George Voinovich (R-OH): (202) 224-3353
  • John Warner (R-VA): (202) 224-2023

Most outrageous elements of Amnesty bill.

If you've been following the debate, then you know that the Senate amnesty plan gets worse by the day. Despite some border security provisions, this amnesty plan is a slap in the face to every citizen of this nation.

Here are a few of the most outrageous elements:

  1. According to latest estimates, the bill will result in 66 million immigrants legally coming to the nation in the next 20 years -- and that does not count those who will continue to come here illegally. So the real number will be much higher. Excellent article:
  2. Companies and employers cannot be held responsible for hiring illegals.
  3. The Senate rejected the Isakson amendment that would have required our nation to secure our borders first before addressing issues related to illegal immigrants now in the country.
  4. Immigrants do not need to show that a job is waiting for them before coming to America, which means the argument that illegals "are doing jobs Americans don't want to do" is just a smokescreen to cover up their invasion agenda.
  5. Illegals will be given credit for Social Security wages for prior illegal work done while they were illegally here! It's so outrageous it is hard to believe it's true --the Senate is giving YOUR Social Security benefits away on a retroactive basis to illegals!


Steve Elliott, President

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