Immigration Control
Hello and welcome. The purpose of "Immigration Control" is to offer an opportunity for lively discussion on the subject of immigration. Various areas on the subject will be posted and you will be able to reply, pro or con. Please, no foul language or flaming other posters.
If you have an article you've written or found elsewhere you want posted please email it to: Immigration Control is a production of Moe Lauzier's Issues of the Day.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Send this to the White House.
A few comments on illegal immigration:
Rep. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Houston Chronicle, Saturday
"The Senate and House started miles apart (on the immigration bill), and as a result of some amendments that were offered in the Senate, miles have become moons apart or oceans apart."
The same Rep. James Sensenbrenner, on "Meet the Press," Sunday.
"The words 'path to citizenship' is a buzzword for amnesty. We ought to be honest, it is amnesty."
Rep. J.D. Hayworth, Arizona Republican, ripping apart the White House's immigration policy, National Review Online
"Illegal aliens will have to 'pay taxes': That's no penalty; they're supposed to pay taxes. In fact, according to Sen. Chuck Grassley, under Bush's plan illegals would have the option to only have to pay three of their last five years in back taxes.
"They have to 'keep their nose clean' : Big deal. So does everybody else. They have to get a tamper-proof ID card: Oh, the humanity! They'll have to stay employed: But isn't that why they came here, to do jobs Americans won't? They'll have to learn English: That's a benefit to the illegal.
"...Most of these 'benchmarks' would be required of any legal immigrant. They are in no way burdensome, yet (White House spokesman) Tony Snow makes them sound almost oppressive. The only real punishment on the entire list is the fine. Know what it is? A measly $2,000 payable in two $1,000 installments. When you consider what illegals get for their two grand, it's the deal of a lifetime."
Professor Thomas Sowell made this observation:
"Some people are worried that amnesty will give illegal aliens the same rights that American citizens have. In reality, it will give the illegals more rights than the average American citizen. Since most of the illegals are Mexican, that makes them a minority. Under affirmative action, combined with amnesty, they would have preferences in jobs and other benefits. Those who set up their own businesses would be entitled to preferences in getting government contracts. Their children would be able to get into college ahead of the children of American citizens with better academic qualifications."
Friday, May 26, 2006
Sen. Jeff Sessions press release on Immigration Bill just passed....

Sen. Jeff Sessions Explains His Opposition to Final Passage of the Senate Immigration Bill
Thursday, May 25, 2006
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) today announced his intention to vote against final passage of the immigration bill. As a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sessions will serve on the conference committee that will try to reconcile the separately passed Senate and House immigration bills.
“The American people were counting on us to secure our borders and restore the rule of law to our immigration system,” Sessions said. “Unfortunately, the United States Senate today let the American people down by passing a deeply flawed bill that gives the illegal alien population every benefit this nation can bestow, and increases future legal immigration levels by three to five times the current level. Additionally, the immigration levels for the future ensure that 70 percent of the large influx will be admitted without having to meet any educational, skill or language requirements.”
According to Sessions, the fatal flaws are numerous:
• Border Security: Although I was glad the Senate approved my amendment to increase the amount of fencing and vehicle barriers along our southwest border, the border is not secured by this bill. The border security and immigration enforcement provisions will have to be paid for in the future, not just authorized by this bill. An “enforcement trigger” amendment, which I voted for, but which failed to pass, was needed to ensure that the American people are not promised immigration enforcement that is never delivered.
• Workplace Enforcement: Workplace enforcement is an integral component of effective immigration enforcement. Today, no mandatory workplace verification system exists, and employers know they can get away with hiring illegal workers. This must end. The provisions in the bill that attempt to address the problems in the workplace are deficient and will not work.
• Amnesty: If amnesty means anything, it means giving illegal aliens every benefit that legal immigrants receive. Under the bill, a vast majority of the illegal alien population will be given every benefit our nation can bestow on its citizens, including participation in the Social Security System based on their illegal work histories.
• Temporary Worker Program is Not Temporary: Though it has been sold as a ‘temporary guest worker program’ there is nothing ‘temporary’ about the new guest worker program created by this bill. Almost every new ‘temporary guest worker’ who comes in the future will be eligible for legal permanent resident status (a green card) and put on the path to citizenship.
• Future Immigration Levels: The bill increases future legal immigration at least three times the current level. Instead of 18.9 million people coming in the next 20 years, more than 66 million people will immigrate over the same time period. That number is too high.
• The Needs of the United States: The bill does nothing to ensure that our nation’s future immigration policy reflects our country’s needs. Developed nations have reformed their immigration policies to prioritize high-skilled immigration over large scale low-skilled and extended family chain migration. This bill prioritizes low-skilled and chain migration over skill-based immigration, an approach we should reject.
• Fiscal Impact: No official study has been conducted on the huge adverse financial impact this bill will create in the out years. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill will increase direct spending by $54 billion and discretionary spending by $64 billion in just the first 10 years. The Heritage Foundation projects the bill will increase long-term federal spending by at least $50 billion a year. These are staggering numbers that indicate that this bill might have costs as great as half a trillion dollars in any future 10-year period. This bill is a huge, monumental budget buster.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
NYC mayor makes good sense in this article
Enforceable, Sustainable, CompassionateOn immigration, it's time to get real.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:01 a.m.
In every decade there is a critical domestic issue that shapes our political life for decades to come. In the 1960s, it was civil rights; in the 1970s, the Watergate crisis; in the 1980s, crime and drugs; and in the 1990s, welfare dependency. Today, it is immigration.
In New York City, 500,000 of our more than three million immigrants are here illegally. Although they broke the law by illegally crossing our borders or overstaying their visas, our economy would be a shell of itself had they not, and it would collapse if they were deported. The same holds true for the nation. Yet in a post-9/11 world, the federal government can no longer wink at illegal immigration. To ensure our national security and keep our economy growing, it is essential that immigration reform embody four key principles:
1. Reduce Incentives. As a business owner, I know the absurdity of our existing immigration regulations all too well. Employers are required to check the status of all job applicants, but not to do anything more than eyeball their documents. In fact, hypocritically, employers are not even permitted to ask probing questions. As a result, fake "green cards" are dime a dozen, and illegal immigrants can easily qualify for jobs.
It is encouraging that a growing number of Democrats and Republicans in Congress recognize the need for a federal database that will allow employers to verify the status of those applying for jobs. The database must identify all job applicants in America based on documentation that cannot be corrupted--fingerprints or DNA, for example. (Social Security cards are just too easy to falsify.) In addition, there must be stiff penalties for businesses that fail to conduct checks or ignore their results. Holding businesses accountable is the crucial step, because it is the only way to reduce the incentive to come here illegally. Requiring employers to verify citizenship status was the promise of the 1986 immigration reform law, but it was an empty promise, never enforced by a federal government pressured to look the other way while workers were exploited. This allowed illegal immigration levels to overwhelm our border control. We must not make the same mistake again.
2. Increase Lawful Opportunity. Baby boomers are starting to retire, America's birthrate continues to slow, and our visa quotas remain too low. As a result, we need more workers than we have, and that's exactly why so many people want to come here. In most cases, those here illegally are filling low-wage, low-skill jobs that Americans do not want. Recent studies put the lie to the old argument that immigrants take jobs away from native-born Americans and significantly depress wages. Global economic forces are responsible for the declines in the real wages of unskilled workers and occur regardless of whether immigrants are present in a community. Moreover, any slight wage decline is more than offset by substantial increases in productivity.
To keep people and businesses investing in America, we need to ensure that we have workers for all types of jobs. That means increasing the number of visas for overseas manual workers, who help provide the essential muscle and elbow grease we need to keep our economy running, as well as the number of visas for immigrant engineers, doctors, scientists and other professionally trained workers--the brains of tomorrow's economy. And it means giving all of them, as well as foreign students, the opportunity to earn permanent status, so they can put their knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit to use for our country. Why shouldn't we reap the benefits of the skills they have obtained here? If we don't allow them in, or we send them home, we will be sending the future of science--and the jobs of tomorrow--with them.
3. Reduce Access. Controlling our borders is a matter of urgent national security. As President Bush recognizes, in some areas, particularly in border towns, additional fencing may be required; in open desert areas, a virtual wall--created through sensors and cameras--will be far more effective. However, even after doubling their numbers, border security guards will remain overwhelmed by the flood of people attempting to enter illegally. Only by embracing the first two principles--reducing incentives and increasing lawful opportunity--will the border security so desired by the House become a manageable task.
4. Get Real. The idea of deporting 11 million people, nearly as many as live in the entire state of Illinois, is pure fantasy. It is physically impossible to carry out, though if it were attempted, it would devastate both families and our economy. The Senate's tiered approach requiring that some people "report to deport" through guest worker programs--while leaving their spouses, children and mortgages behind--is no less ridiculous. If this approach becomes law, there can be little doubt that the black market for false documentation would remain strong and real enforcement impossible.
There is only one practical solution, and it is a solution that respects the history of our nation: Offer those already here the opportunity to earn permanent status and keep their families together, provided they pay appropriate penalties. For decades, the federal government has tacitly welcomed them into the workforce and collected their income and Social Security taxes, which two-thirds of undocumented workers pay. Now, instead of pointing fingers about the past, let's accept the present for what it is by bringing people out of the shadows, and focus on the future by casting those shadows aside, permanently.
As the debate continues in Washington, it is essential that Congress recognize the need for an immigration policy that is enforceable, sustainable and compassionate--and that enables the American economy to thrive in the 21st century. But if one principle is abandoned, we will be no better off than we were after passage of the 1986 law. A successful solution to our border problems cannot rest on a wall alone; it must be built on a foundation strong enough to support it, and to support our continued economic growth and prosperity.
Mr. Bloomberg is mayor of New York.
Copyright © 2006 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Your turn to act on illegal immigration.........
Out thanks to for the portrait of our Massachusetts solons.
Tell them, "No Amnesty"
Every Saturday morning on WRKO we hear from listeners who want to do something about illegal aliens. Here's a start for you.
Here's two things you can do right now to tell the Senate, "No Amnesty" before this week's vote. I got this in a mass email by Grassfire.
The Senate will be voting this week on its outrageous Amnesty bill and Ron De Jong and I are going to be in our nation's capital on Wednesday delivering your petitions.
The Senate's Amnesty plan is worse than we even thought possible (see below) and we want to flood the Senate with hundreds of thousands of petitions, faxes andphone calls that say "No" to amnesty.
Two ways you can help stop Amnesty right now:
CALL and FAX your Senators and 18 key Senators that Grassfire has identified in this debate. Republicans who, based on our research, are either supporting or leaning toward Amensty. These Republicans hold the key votes in this debate since we expect most Democrats to vote along party lines in support of Amnesty. Without Republican support for Amnesty, there is no amnesty bill. To use our FaxFire system to fax your "no amnesty" messageto your two senators and key Amnesty senators, go here:
Here are the phone numbers for your two Massachusetts Senators and the Republicans supporting or leaning toward amnesty:
Your two Massachusetts Senators:
- Sen. Kennedy 202/224-4543
- Sen. Kerry (202) 224-2742
Pro-Amnesty or undecided Republicans:
- Robert Bennett (R-UT): (202) 224-5444
- Sam Brownback (R-KS): (202) 224-6521
- Lincoln Chafee (R-RI): (202) 224-2921
- Norm Coleman (R-MN): (202) 224-564
- Susan Collins (R-ME): (202) 224-2523
- Larry Craig (R-ID): (202) 224-2752
- Mike DeWine (R-OH): (202) 224-2315
- Lindsay Graham (R-SC): (202) 224-5972
- Chuck Hagel (R-NE): (202) 224-4224
- Richard Lugar (R-IN): (202) 224-4814
- Mel Martinez (R-FL): (202) 224-3041
- John McCain (R-AZ): (202) 224-2235
- Richard Shelby (R-AL): (202) 224-5744
- Olympia Snowe (R-ME): 202) 224-5344
- Arlen Specter (R-PA): (202) 224-4254T
- ed Stevens (R-AK): (202) 224-3004
- George Voinovich (R-OH): (202) 224-3353
- John Warner (R-VA): (202) 224-2023
Most outrageous elements of Amnesty bill.
If you've been following the debate, then you know that the Senate amnesty plan gets worse by the day. Despite some border security provisions, this amnesty plan is a slap in the face to every citizen of this nation.
Here are a few of the most outrageous elements:
- According to latest estimates, the bill will result in 66 million immigrants legally coming to the nation in the next 20 years -- and that does not count those who will continue to come here illegally. So the real number will be much higher. Excellent article: and employers cannot be held responsible for hiring illegals.The Senate rejected the Isakson amendment that would have required our nation to secure our borders first before addressing issues related to illegal immigrants now in the country.Immigrants do not need to show that a job is waiting for them before coming to America, which means the argument that illegals "are doing jobs Americans don't want to do" is just a smokescreen to cover up their invasion agenda.Illegals will be given credit for Social Security wages for prior illegal work done while they were illegally here! It's so outrageous it is hard to believe it's true --the Senate is giving YOUR Social Security benefits away on a retroactive basis to illegals!STOP THE INVASION!
Steve Elliott, President Alliance
Friday, May 19, 2006
English as the official language of the USA

The following was posted on Senator Frist's blog. It must be noted the English language amendment immigration bill in the senate is feel good stuff. Federal law will not be changed by this amendment. However, it does put senators on record for later effect. An issue of the future will be a constitutional amendment to make English the official language.
Our forefathers debated the issue of English as the official language. It was felt then it was not necessary to codify such since it was not a foreseeable problem.
We are - and will always be - a proud nation of immigrants. We welcome those who wish to become part of the American tradition. But immigration requires - to a certain extent - assimilation. And the simple fact is, the English language is the common thread that weaves our society together, and all U.S. citizens should learn it.
For me, this is a matter of principle, and on matters of principle there should be no compromise.
That is why I stand with my friend and colleague Senator Inhofe, (Ed. Note...James Inhofe, Republican, Oklahoma) who wrote an amendment that I've co-sponsored which declares English to be the national language of the United States and which requires that all immigrants learn English before they become American citizens.
And that is why I'm proud to tell you that Senator Inhofe's amendment just passed the Senate by a vote of 63-34. We've been continuously working to improve the border security and immigration reform legislation with amendments, like Senator Inhofe's, that strengthen our border security and tighten our interior enforcement.
Bill Frist, M.D.(Ed. Note...Frist is Senate Majority Leader and Senator from Tennessee.)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Cheney says "build it and they won't come".
It works for Israel
Reprinted from
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Dick Cheney: Border Wall Important
A physical security barrier in urban areas along the U.S.-Mexican border is an important part of the Bush administration's new border enforcement initiative, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Tuesday.
Asked if the administration had ever considered building "an actual wall" along the border, Cheney told leading conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh: "When you get into built-up urban areas fences - 'security barriers' might be a better word for it - are in fact an important part of the overall plan and need to be part of it."
The vice president said that other areas, "where you've got vast spaces out there," would require "other kinds of arrangements." He cited plans to construct new patrol roads, remote cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Though it received next to no attention, President Bush himself endorsed the construction of a partial border wall in his immigration reform speech Monday night.
"We will construct high-tech fences in urban corridors and build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas," he told the nation.
Bush also noted that the National Guard will "assist the Border Patrol by . . . . installing fences and vehicle barriers, building patrol roads."
Taken together, Bush and Cheney's comments would seem to align the administration with HR 4437, the immigration reform bill passed by the House in December which calls for the construction of a partial, 700-mile border wall in populated areas.
A Time magazine poll taken in April showed Americans overwhelming support the construction of a physical barrier along the entire 2,000 mile border, with 56 percent in favor and just 40 percent opposed.
Amen, Dick.Ciao.......Moe
Ann Coulter does it again...Some beautiful blonds are really bright
READ MY LIPS: NO NEW AMNESTYby Ann CoulterOn the bright side, if President Bush's amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants ends up hurting Republicans and we lose Congress this November, maybe the Democrats will impeach him and we'll get Cheney as president.
At least Bush has dropped his infernal references to slacker Americans when talking about illegal immigrants. In his speech Monday night, instead of 47 mentions of "jobs Americans won't do," Bush referred only once to "jobs Americans are not doing" — which I take it means other than border enforcement and intelligence-gathering at the CIA. For the record, I'll volunteer right now to clean other people's apartments if I don't have to pay taxes on what I earn.
Also, someone must have finally told Bush that the point about America being a "nation of immigrants" is moronic. All nations are "nations of immigrants" — as Peter Brimelow pointed out brilliantly in his 1992 article in National Review on immigration, which left nothing for anyone else to say (Time to Rethink Immigration? ).
Of the "nation of immigrants" locution, Brimelow says:
"No discussion of U.S. immigration policy gets far without someone making this helpful remark. As an immigrant myself, I always pause respectfully. You never know. Maybe this is what they're taught to chant in schools nowadays, a sort of multicultural Pledge of Allegiance. ... Do they really think other nations sprouted up out of the ground?"
Brimelow then ran through the Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman-French, Welsh and Celtic immigrant influences in Britain alone.
Instead of a moratorium on new immigration, I'd settle for a moratorium on the use of the expression "We're a nation of immigrants." Throw in a ban on "Diversity is our strength" and you've got my vote for life.
Bush has also apparently learned that the word "amnesty" does not poll well. On Monday night, he angrily denounced the idea of amnesty just before proposing his own amnesty program. The difference between Bush's amnesty program and "amnesty" is: He'd give amnesty only to people who have been breaking our laws for many years — not just a few months. (It's the same program that allows Ted Kennedy to stay in the Senate.)
Bush calls this the "rational middle ground" because it recognizes the difference between "an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years." Yes, the difference is: One of them has been breaking the law longer. If our criminal justice system used that logic, a single murder would get you the death penalty, while serial killers would get probation.
Bush claimed the only other alternative — I assume this is the "irrational extreme" — is "a program of mass deportation." Really? Is the only alternative to legalizing tax cheats "a program of mass arrest of tax cheats"?
This is the logic of the pro-abortion zealots (aka "the Democratic Party"): Either lift every single restriction on abortion or ... every woman in America will be impregnated by her father and die in a back-alley abortion!
Those are your only two answers? Do you need another minute?
How about the proposal made on Brimelow's Web site,, that illegal immigrants be told they have two months to leave the country voluntarily and not have their breaking of our immigration laws held against them when they apply for citizenship from their home countries — or not leave and be banned from U.S. citizenship forever?
Or how about just not giving illegal aliens green cards — as Bush is proposing — and deport them when we catch them?
Instead of choosing immigrants based on the longevity of their lawbreaking, another idea is to choose the immigrants we want, for example, those who speak English or have special skills. (And by "special skills" I don't mean giving birth to an anchor baby in a border-town emergency room.)
Why not use immigration the way sports teams use the draft — to upgrade our roster? We could take our pick of the world's engineers, doctors, scientists, uh ... smoking-hot Latin guys who stand around not wearing shirts between workouts. Or, you know, whatever ...
Bush thinks it's not fair to favor people with special skills — a policy evidenced by his Harriet Miers pick.
How about this: It's not fair to want to go out with someone just because that person is attractive and has a good personality because it discriminates against people who are ugly with bad social skills! That's our immigration policy.
Press "1" for English; press "2" for a new president ...
Flash...Immigration Control exclusive...
The editors of Immigration Control have obtained the following secret memo on revitalizing the airline industry in this post 911 era:Subject: Airlines A Plan to Save Bankrupt Airlines Replace all female flight attendants with some good-looking' strippers! What the heck? The attendants have gotten old and haggard-looking. They don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss?
The strippers would double, triple, perhaps quadruple the alcohol consumption and get a "party atmosphere" going in the cabin. And, of course, every heterosexual businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women.
Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt and the airline industry would see record revenues.
Why the heck didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?
Sincerely, Bill Clinton
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Provided by a WRKO listener, Paul Richard.......
Turn in illegal aliens
We are hearing that reports of employers using illegal aliens or instances of illegal aliens engaged in criminal activity, have been responded to quickly by the new agency. Please note that it is unlikely that ICE will take any action against an illegal alien that is not employed illegally or engaged in some other sort of illegal activity.
The TOLL FREE number to report ILLEGAL aliens or those employing ILLEGAL aliens to ICE is: 866-347-2423
How it works:
You are not required to provide your identity to ICE. All that is necessary to request an investigation by ICE is mere suspicion of any activity by ILLEGAL aliens.
ICE and the IRS are especially interested in "visiting" those businesses that employ ILLEGALS "off the books" to avoid the payment of payroll taxes.
Small and large businesses are equally notorious in the hiring of ILLEGAL aliens to avoid paying fair wages to its workers and to criminally evade the collection and payment of payroll taxes.
We are interested in getting current information regarding how helpful or unhelpful the new agency has been in taking your information and following up on your complaint, so please drop us an email to keep us current.
Revised: November, 2005
Monday, May 15, 2006
Here we go again

As President Bush puts the final touches on his illegal immigration speech set for prime time tonight, there are others active on that front:
USA Today has a story about citizens of San Bernadino, California who are pushing their local council to take serious action against those who employ or rent to illegals in their community.
Check this out:
Something which puts fear into the hearts of immigration agitators is the possibility of making illegal entry into the USA a felony. They also adamantly oppose a physical barrier along the Mexican border. Also on their list of no-no's is strict enforcement of our current laws, making English the official language of our government, abolition of welfare for ALL immigrants, legal and otherwise, identification requirement for voting in federal elections (congress and president) and a few more to numerous to mention in this limited space.
We should take our queue from them and go for those items they complain most loudly about.
An article in theis morning's Washington Times has the following analysis of the immigration bill being discussed in congress: "The immigration reform bill that the Senate takes up today would more than double the flow of legal immigration into the United States each year and dramatically lower the skill level of those immigrants."
Hard as it may be to believe, the Boston Police Department is cracking down on the illegal alien pick up points for day work in the Boston area. They are focusing on Home Depots. We have had many calls on Saturday mornings informing the world of the problem. There are other locations as well, but this is a start.
The next time you hear the comment that illegals only do work Americans won't, drive them nuts. Here's how:
Ask them what jobs? Don't let them weasel around, specifically what jobs? Lettuce picking? Roofing? Mowing grass? Janitorial work?
When they go through all their gyrations and finally get specific ask what would happen if there were no illegal aliens? Would the work disappear? Would decent wages be paid for the work performed? Something would happen. What?
Make certain they answer. The answers are so painfully obvious. The free market system will determine whether and if such work is performed.
Let's use landscaping as an example. If the prices go up, what will happen? Maybe some folks who currently hire companies who pay slave wages will be re-introduced to their lawnmowers and a little exercise. Some will get rid of their grass and replace it with astro turf or clover. Some may agree to higher costs. The point is something will occur.
The bottom line is business want more immigrants to work for less. Liberal politicians want immigrants because they can promise them paradise and get their votes. There are a few winners and lots of losers.
Among the winners are those who hire illegals.
The losers are the inner city poor. Their rents go up because illegals live a dozen to an apartment and are willing to pay more to get one thus increasing the cost of rent in the area. The inner city poorly educated new school drop outs cannot get jobs. Crime is rampant in those areas. Sound familiar?
We will do a complete analysis of the president speech tomorrow. Most of what is being leaked out by the White House doesn't sound as though the president "gets it" yet.
The problem is not difficult to figure out or repair. However, we must first have a will to fix it.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Mexican Standoff
Mexican StandoffI don’t know how everybody else feels about it, but to me I think Hispanic people in this country, legally or illegally, made a huge public relations mistake with their recent demonstrations.
I don’t blame anybody in the world for wanting to come to the United States of America, as it is a truly wonderful place. But when the first thing you do when you set foot on American soil is illegal it is flat out wrong and I don’t care how many lala land left heads come out of the woodwork and start trying to give me sensitivity lessons.
I don’t need sensitivity lessons, in fact I don’t have anything against Mexicans, I just have something against criminals and anybody who comes into this country illegally is a criminal and if you don’t believe it try coming into America from a foreign country without a passport and see how far you get.
What disturbs me about the demonstrations is that it’s tantamount to saying, "I am going to come into your country even if it means breaking your laws and there’s nothing you can do about it.
"It’s an "in your face" action and speaking just for me I don’t like it one little bit and if there were a half dozen pairs of gonads in Washington bigger than English peas it wouldn’t be happening.
Where are you, you bunch of lilly livered, pantywaist, forked tongued, sorry excuses for defenders of The Constitution? Have you been drinking the water out of the Potomac again?
And even if you pass a bill on immigration it will probably be so pork laden and watered down that it won’t mean anything anyway. Besides, what good is another law going to do when you won’t enforce the ones on the books now?
And what ever happened to the polls guys? I thought you folks were the quintessential finger wetters. Well you sure ain’t paying any attention to the polls this time because somewhere around eighty percent of Americans want something done about this mess, and mess it is and getting bigger everyday.
This is no longer a problem, it is a dilemma and headed for being a tragedy. Do you honestly think that what happened in France with the Muslims can’t happen here when the businesses who hire these people finally run out of jobs and a few million disillusioned Hispanics take to the streets?
If you, Mr. President, Congressmen and Senators, knuckle under on this and refuse to do something meaningful it means that you care nothing for the kind of country your children and grandchildren will inherit.
But I guess that doesn’t matter as long as you get re-elected.Shame on you. Pray for our troops.
What do you think?
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
April 3, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Dobbs calls out the president on an outrage....
This appeared today in the fine web site, World Net Daily ( ) today
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Dobbs to President Bush: Do you take us for fools?
CNN anchor says administration following 'absurd' policies on border security, illegals.
Editor's note: Is the invasion by illegal aliens a nefarious plot? WND's new hard-hitting issue of Whistleblower magazine titled "SECRETS OF THE INCASION" blows the lid off the conspiracy.
© 2006
Outspoken CNN anchor Lou Dobbs is thrashing President Bush and senators for continuing to follow what he calls "absurd policies on both issues of border security and illegal immigration," and asks the rhetorical question, "How dumb do you all think we are?"
The scathing remarks come amid this week's report that U.S. officials are tipping off the Mexican government as to the positions of the Minutemen, private American citizens looking to stop the ongoing invasion of illegal aliens across the border.
"President Bush continues to push his guest-worker program and amnesty for anywhere between 11 million and 20 million illegal aliens, and he insists still that nothing less than what he calls comprehensive immigration reform is acceptable," says Dobbs.
"And the lies keep coming from both political parties. This president is not enforcing the immigration laws enacted by Congress, and this Congress is failing in its duty of oversight to demand that those laws be followed. Only a fool, Mr. President, Sen. Kennedy, Sen. McCain, would believe you when you speak of new legislation. You don't enforce the laws now. Would you do so if the law were more to your liking? Would you secure our borders and ports? Would you halt illegal immigration? Those are rhetorical questions, only, I assure you. The answers are obvious; obvious because of your conduct."
Addressing the president, Dobbs says up to 3 million illegal aliens continue to cross our border with Mexico each year, with enforcement against illegal employers of illegal aliens in this country all but nonexistent.
"How do you explain that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have all but ended their investigations and inspections of employers that hire illegal aliens? Again, only a rhetorical question, because we all know the answer," Dobbs said.
The CNN anchor goes on to state the "official record," noting only 318 employers out of five and a half million in the U.S. have been fined for hiring illegals since 2001. In 2004, only three employers were fined.
"That is a dismal record, Mr. President, as dismal as the fact that the number of ICE agents assigned to enforce immigration laws in the workplace has declined from only 240 back in 1999 to now less than 100," Dobbs said.
He lays blame for the lack of border security and illegal immigration squarely on the shoulders of "two political parties that are beholden to corporate America, the largest employers of illegal aliens, and the leadership of both parties that are selling out American citizens in search of cheap labor and political advantage. How dumb do you all think we are? Again, that's only a rhetorical question."
Dobbs says he'll suggest on his television show in the coming days that "the leadership of both the Republican and Democratic parties begin to take some notice of our laws and our expectations that those laws be enforced," as well as reminding them they represent all U.S. citizens, and not just corporate America and special interests.
Dobbs has been making headlines in recent weeks, coming under fire by groups not opposed to illegal immigration.
As WMD reported, hosts on a leftist radio station in Los Angeles have sponsored a contest that will reward the first illegal alien who names his or her new baby after Dobbs.
Meanwhile, an "Ac AOL" campaign was organized last month by defenders of illegal aliens to target Dobbs.
"Why AOL?" asks one of the promoters of the campaign rhetorically. "Lou Dobbs is the number one money maker for CNN so he is not going anywhere as long as he makes money for CNN and right now he is making a ton of money for CNN bashing 'illegal immigration.'
CNN is owned by Time Warner and Time Warner also owns AOL, which is being extensively promoted to increase its value as witnessed last week by selling 5 percent of AOL stock to Google. This 5 percent cost Google $1 billion setting a benchmark value for AOL stock. The Google-AOL deal gives AOL a valuation of $20 billion. Billionaire Time Warner shareholder Carl Icahn who controls 3 percent of Time Warner shares has been organizing a proxy battle for control of Time Warner wants to sell AOL."
Discomforting isn't it?
~~~ Moe
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
More Shapes of things to come.....
More from recent French riots....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The shape of things to come
Allah Takes Over Catholic Church The Brussels Journal
The Belgian Bishops have opened their churches to illegal immigrants in order to pressurize the Belgian authorities to
allow the immigrants to stay in the country.
Most of the immigrant squatters in the churches are Muslims. They display banners in the church showing
the name of Allah (picture taken in the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Brussels).
The Belgian Bishops are so ignorant that they do not see what is going on: their churches are being turned into mosques before their very eyes. Ciao.......Moe
Monday, May 08, 2006
The Shape of things to come.....
Friday, May 05, 2006
What do other countries do?
Congressman Jim SensenbrennerReprinted from
Friday, May 5, 2006 12:22 a.m. EDT
Sensenbrenner: Illegal Entry Is 'Criminal'
Defending his House-passed immigration bill that sparked street protest by millions of immigrants, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee issued a report Friday showing that several countries are harsher than the United State in their treatment of illegal immigrants and their employers.
The Law Library of Congress study of immigration laws in six countries found that all but Brazil have criminal penalties for illegal entry and presence within their borders.
In four of the countries - Japan, Switzerland, Sweden and Egypt - employers can be jailed from up to three months to three years for hiring illegal immigrants.
"With all the blustery rhetoric coming from opponents about a 'harsh' and 'draconian' House bill ..., I note that five out of the six countries studied - including Mexico - make illegal entry and unlawful presence a criminal offense," said Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis.
The House bill written largely by Sensenbrenner would make being in the country illegally a felony. It is already a misdemeanor to enter the country illegally, and re-entering the country after being deported also is a crime.
After street protests and demonstrations last month, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., pledged that illegal immigrants would not be prosecuted as felons in a final House-Senate verions of the bill if it gets that far.
Illegal presence in the U.S. is now a civil offense.
Sensenbrenner said the six countries studied were chosen to provide racial and geographic diversity.
© 2006 Associated Press.
~~~ Moe
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The New York Times
May 4, 2006
Growing Unease for Some Blacks on Immigration
By Rachel L. Swarns
WASHINGTON, May 3 — In their demonstrations across the country, some Hispanic immigrants have compared the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s struggle to their own, singing "We Shall Overcome" and declaring a new civil rights movement to win citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants.
Civil rights stalwarts like the Rev. Jesse Jackson; Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia; Julian Bond and the Rev. Joseph E. Lowery have hailed the recent protests as the natural progression of their movement in the 1960's.
But despite some sympathy for the nation's illegal immigrants, many black professionals, academics and blue-collar workers feel increasingly uneasy as they watch Hispanics flex their political muscle while assuming the mantle of a seminal black struggle for justice.
Some blacks bristle at the comparison between the civil rights movement and the immigrant demonstrations, pointing out that black protesters in the 1960's were American citizens and had endured centuries of enslavement, rapes, lynchings and discrimination before they started marching.
Others worry about the plight of low-skilled black workers, who sometimes compete with immigrants for entry-level jobs.
And some fear the unfinished business of the civil rights movement will fall to the wayside as America turns its attention to a newly energized Hispanic minority with growing political and economic clout.
"All of this has made me start thinking, 'What's going to happen to African-Americans?' " said Brendon L. Laster, 32, a black fund-raiser at Howard University here, who has been watching the marches. "What's going to happen to our unfinished agenda?"
Mr. Laster is dapper and cosmopolitan, a part-time professor and Democratic activist who drinks and dines with a wide circle of black, white and Hispanic friends. He said he marveled at first as the images of cheering, flag-waving immigrants flickered across his television screen. But as some demonstrators proclaimed a new civil rights movement, he grew uncomfortable.
He says that immigrant protesters who claim the legacy of Dr. King and Rosa Parks are going too far. And he has begun to worry about the impact that the emerging immigrant activism will have on black Americans, many of whom still face poverty, high rates of unemployment and discrimination in the workplace.
"I think what they were able to do, the level of organization they were able to pull off, that was phenomenal," said Mr. Laster, who is also a part-time sociology professor at a community college in Baltimore. "But I do think their struggle is, in fundamental ways, very different from ours. We didn't chose to come here; we came here as slaves. And we were denied, even though we were legal citizens, our basic rights."
"There are a still lot of unresolved issues from the civil rights era," he said. "Perhaps we're going to be pushed to the back burner."
This painful debate is bubbling up in church halls and classrooms, on call-in radio programs and across dining room tables. Some blacks prefer to discuss the issue privately for fear of alienating their Hispanic allies. But others are publicly airing their misgivings, saying they are too worried to stay silent.
"We will have no power, no clout," warned Linda Carter-Lewis, 62, a human resources manager and the branch president of the N.A.A.C.P. in Des Moines. "That's where I see this immigrant movement going. Even though so many thousands and thousands of them have no legal status and no right to vote right now, that day is coming."
Immigrant leaders defend their use of civil rights language, saying strong parallels exist between the two struggles. And they argue that their movement will ultimately become a powerful vehicle to fight for the rights of all American workers, regardless of national origin.
"African-Americans during the civil rights movement were in search of the American dream and that's what our movement is trying to achieve for our community," said Jaime Contreras, president of the National Capital
Immigration Coalition, which organized the April 10 demonstration that drew tens of thousands of people to Washington.
"We face the same issues even if we speak different languages," said Mr. Contreras, who is from El Salvador and listens to Dr. King's speeches for inspiration.
Mr. Jackson, who addressed the immigrant rally on Monday in New York, echoed those views. He noted that Dr. King, at the end of his life, focused on improving economic conditions for all Americans, regardless of race. And he said the similarities between African-Americans and illegal immigrants were too powerful to ignore.
"We too were denied citizenship," Mr. Jackson said. "We too were undocumented workers working without wages, without benefits, witho
ut the vote. "We should feel honored that other people are using tactics and strategies from our struggle. We shouldn't say they're stealing from us. They're learning from us."
Mr. Jackson said corporate employers were fueling the tensions between blacks and immigrants by refusing to pay a living wage to all workers. John Campbell, a black steel worker and labor activist from Iowa, agreed.
"This is a class issue," said Mr. Campbell, who has been disheartened by black critics of the immigrant marches. "We need to join forces. We can't improve our lot in life as African-Americans by suppressing the rights of anyone else."
But blacks and immigrants have long had a history of uneasy relations in the United States.
W.E.B. DuBois, a founder of the N.A.A.C.P., and other prominent black leaders worried that immigrants would displace blacks in the workplace. Ronald Walters, director of the African-American Leadership Institute at the University of Maryland, said blacks cheered when the government restricted Asian immigration to the United States after World War I. And many Europeans who came to this country discriminated against blacks.
Blacks and Hispanics have also been allies. In the 1960's, Dr. King and Cesar Chavez, the Mexican-American farm labor leader, corresponded with each other. And when Mr. Chavez was jailed, Dr. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, visited him in jail, Mr. Walters said. In recent years, blacks and Hispanics have been influential partners in the Democratic Party.
A recent poll conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center captured the ambivalence among blacks over immigration. Nearly 80 percent said immigrants from Latin American work very hard and have strong family values.
But nearly twice as many blacks as whites said that they or a family member had lost a job, or not gotten a job, because an employer hired an immigrant worker. Blacks were also more likely than whites to feel that immigrants take jobs away from American citizens.
Mr. Walters said he understood those conflicting emotions, saying he feels torn himself because of his concerns about the competition between immigrants and low-skilled black men for jobs. In 2004, 72 percent of black male high school dropouts in their 20's were jobless, compared with 34 percent of white and 19 percent of Hispanic dropouts.
"I applaud them moving out of the shadows and into the light because of the human rights issues involved," Mr. Walters said of illegal immigrants. "I've given my entire life to issues of social justice as an activist and an academic. In that sense, I'm with them.
"But they also represent a powerful ingredient to the perpetuation of our struggle," he said. "We have a problem where half of black males are unemployed in several cities. I can't ignore that and simply be my old progressive self and say it's not an issue. It is an issue."
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Backlash Begins....and an assortment of related items.

The election in an obscure town in the state of Washington starts the turn in direction in dealing with the questioin of illegal immigrants.
President Bush should heed the message being sent by a number of former supporters:
The illegals are pawns for all sorts of people. It may well be that those who want them deported are their only friends. The are pawns of major corporations, small companies, sleazy individuals who hire them privately at unconscionable pay rates and no bennies, the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, Vincente Fox, and now some of th emost despicable anti-Americans around. Here's the story from World Net Daily and Jim Corsi:
Why is America such a magnet. Here's some of the reason:
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Say it ain't so, Condi!

This from the Associated Press:
Condoleezza Rice Likes Multilingual 'Anthem'
President Bush wants people to sing the national anthem in English only. Promoters of singing it in Spanish are pointing to comments by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - and her department's Web site - as ammunition for their side of the argument.
There are four Spanish versions on, a multi-language Web site.
"I've heard the national anthem done in rap versions, country versions, classical versions," Rice said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation."
"The individualization of the American national anthem is quite under way."
The State Department site for some time has offered translations of the U.S. Constitution, pledge of allegiance and other documents in French, Arabic and other foreign languages to help people understand America better.
This is what promoters say they had in mind with the Spanish anthem recording, which has drawn criticism from Internet bloggers.
Weighing in on Bush's side of the argument was Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., who introduced a resolution affirming that the song, pledge allegiance to the flag and other "statements of national unity" should be done in English.
When 'Nuestro Himno,' a Spanish version of the anthem, debuted last week, Bush said "people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English."
After Bush rejected the idea, British music producer Adam Kidron said, "We instead view 'Nuestro Himno' as a song that affords those immigrants that have not yet learned the English language the opportunity to fully understand the character of 'The Star-Spangled Banner,' the American flag and the ideals of freedom that they represent."
Monday, May 01, 2006
Today's the day
Today is the day of the Great un-American Boycott. It is astonishing someone here illigally can come here and demonstrate for their demands for legalization of their status.Let's get down to basics. I learned once listening to the late great Roberto Clemente's response to the question of how he managed to hit so well. He responded simply, "See the ball, hit the ball." Excellent advice.Over the years I've participated in teaching hitting to players of all ages. Regardless of age or experience, the first lesson or reminder is, "Keep your eye on the ball." It's not complicated. Focus on the ball. Look for the fastball and react to the off speed stuff, especially the breaking ball.Right now we, as citizens, must keep our eyes focused on what is really at play today. The marches are breaking balls, designed to fool us. Just as the hitter must pick up the spin on the ball to understand where the ball is going, we must pick up the spin we are seeing and hearing on in the news and on the streets.We are under siege by non citizens -- trespassers.Our border with Mexico is a highway bringing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants weekly. Until we stop the hemorrhaging we can't hope to deal with the tidal wave of illegal entrants.- We must build the wall along the Mexican border and reinforce it with a combination of volunteers and regular military.
- Pressure the corporations who hire the illegals to give up the practice. There are tools available which include the IRS and Social Security administration.
- People who employ domestics who are illegals need to learn they are doing serious damage to their country. If they don't get the message, then the velvet glove must come off. If they're not paying withholding taxes and Social Security as any other employer, make the financial cost to them onerous.
No, we can't roundup the 12 to 20 million people who are here illegally. We can, however, make it uncomfortable to be here. Strip them of government benefits including welfare, education and drivers licenses.
But first we must keep our collective eyes on the ball. We need to have the will to remedy the situation and make certain all our politicians understand getting immigration under control. When there is a will, there's a way. They and we must make it job one.
~~~ Moe
April 2006
May 2006
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007